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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/03/25

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, March 25, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman, Suzanne Gottling,
Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Review of Items for Signature:
Parcel ID: 0127-0018-0000 183 Lake Avenue-Harry Gazelle
Parcel ID: 0125-0048-0000 88 Old Georges Mills Rd-Mark Weld
Parcel ID: 0146-0051-0000 344 Bay Point Rd.-Margaret Keane Hajdarovic
By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Gottling, Unanimous.
Property Tax Abatement:
Parcel ID: 0235-0076-0000 30 West Hill Rd – Andrew & Angela Neilson
Parcel ID: 0148-0037-0000 16 Sunnyside Dr – Donald & Laura Borruso
By Selectman Trow and Selectman Hastings, Unanimous.
Permanent Application for Property Credit / Exemptions – Veteran’s Credit
Parcel ID: 0209-0029-0000 5 Twin Birch Lane – Gary Canning
By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Gottling, Unanimous.

Nomination of Officers:
Selectman Smith moved to re-elect Fred Gallup as Chairman of the Board of Selectman seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Selectman Trow nominated Selectman Smith for the Vice Chairman of The Board of Selectman seconded by Selectman Gottling, unanimous.

Assignments of Committees:
Crowther Chapel: Selectman Trow
Highway Safety: Chairman Gallup
LSPA: Selectman Gottling
Planning: Selectman Hastings with Selectman Smith as an alternate
Tri-Town Assessing: Selectman Gottling
UVLSRPC: Selectman Trow

•Library Authorization for Construction Manager and Architect
Chairman Gallup made a motion that the Board of Selectman authorizes the Library Trustees to pay bills to the Construction Manager and Architect for the funds that they are in charge of in addition, report to the Board of Selectman on an as needed basis and to authorize the Board of Selectman Chairman to sign off on withdrawals from the loan on a monthly basis when the loan funds are available.
Seconded by Selectman Smith, unanimous.
•Tax Deeding- Betty Ramspott
A motion to authorize the deed waiver on 59 Hamel Road map number 0147-0033-0001 was made by Selectman Gottling seconded by Trow, unanimous
A motion to authorize the deed waiver on 38 Wilderness Park map number 0239-0001-0002 by Selectman Gottling and seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
•Harbor House Livery update: Mike Durfor, Chairman of the Harbor House Livery was present to update to the Board of Selectman. Chairman Gallup passed out comments turned into him from John Augustine. A video was shown from a senior project about the Harbor House Livery. Mike Durfor is asking the Board of Selectman to give approval for the Harbor House Livery and the Town Manager to work with the Better Future Alliance. Chairman Gallup wants to know more information on how the Better Future Alliance works and where does the control of the town building end up. Mike Durfor explained this was to be a Memorandum of Understanding and that nothing will be decided until all options are explored and would report back to the Board of Selectman. Selectman Trow asked the Chief Assessor, Norm Bernaiche what thoughts he had on how this would work and fit into the town.  Norm Bernaiche stated that he thought it would definitely have to have residential uses within it to be successful.
A motion was made to authorize the Harbor House Livery Committee to draft a Memorandum of Understanding with Better Future Alliance and report back to the Board of Selectman by Selectman Gottling seconded by Selectman Hastings. The motion was amended to add the authorization of the Town Manager to spend time also working on this by Selectman Gottling and seconded by Selectman Hastings. The original motion as amended was unanimous.
During the discussion, John Augestine asked about the Memorandum of Understanding and how it would affect the businesses within the harbor. Can the focus be narrowed to not hurt the businesses that already exist?  Selectman Trow responded with they look at what is already in the town and how better to enhance the town not hurt the town and the success of the building.  John Augestine wanted to know if there is a deadline to reporting to the Board of Selectman. Chairman Gallup stated there is no set deadline but as things progress that the Harbor House Livery report when they have new information.

•Donation and Equipment-Chief Cahill
Chief Cahill discussed a donation of $10,000 and 5,000, to the Police Benevolent Association.  This donation was made by individuals who would like the police association to purchase a boat to be donated to the town. There have been a few instances in which this has been needed where we had to use other sources in order to aid. He explained there are other instances throughout the year that the boat would greatly aid in assisting the Sunapee Police Department, for issues on the lake. This would not be a rescue boat but just a boat where we could be helpful within in our own lake.  Fire Chief Ruggles joined into the discussion expressing the benefits that both boats could offer the town in handling future emergencies. The fire department also has a boat being donated that would be used for rescue purposes and would be kept on a trailer at the Safety Services Building.
A motion to set two public hearings to accept the gifts of two boats one for the Police and one for the Fire for April 22nd by Selectman Smith and seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
•Chief Cahill updated the Board that the elementary school is getting cameras installed and the cameras will be linked to the police department.
Chief Cahill also discussed that the police department has guns that were donated to the department from Rugers that have been sitting in storage and the Chief would like to trade those guns for ammunition.
A motion was made to authorize to the trade of the seven SP101s to an FFL dealer or for equivalent amount of ammunition by Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.

Public Comments
John Augustine wanted to know what would happen to the current Library building once the new Library is built. Chairman Gallup stated that the Board has not discussed it as of yet but there was a letter from the Historical Society that asks for consideration when the time comes.
Peter Urbach thanked the Board for their support on the Library Bond issue.

Selectmen Action
•Sign nine (9) Perkins Pond sewer easement deeds:  Nestler, Dionian & Gallagher, Winkler & Van Tine, Rechisky, Rechisky & Wheeler, MacMillan, McDonough, Judge, Crean.  These Easements are needed to continue with the Perkins Pond Sewer Project.
A motion was made to accept the following sewer easements; Nestler, Dionian & Gallagher, Winkler & Van Tine, Rechisky, Rechisky & Wheeler, MacMillan, McDonough, Judge , Crean
by Selectman Trow and Selectman Gottling, unanimous.
•Perkins Pond Sewer Project Loan Resolution
Chairman Gallup discussed the meeting with the Unite States Department of Agriculture that had happened earlier in the day.  Sunapee was awarded loan amount of $1,585,000 and a grant in the amount of $739,000 at a 2 1/2 % interest rate guaranteed.  The Loan Resolution is needed as part of the overall process.
A motion was made accept the Perkins Pond Sewer Loan Resolution and authorize the Chairman to sign by Selectman Trow and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
•Perkins Pond Right of Way Certificate- moved to next agenda
•Pay Table
A motion to accept pay tables as presented by Selectman Hastings and Selectman Smith, unanimous.
•Use of Facilities:  
        5/18/13 – Lake Sunapee Cruising Fleet, Sunapee Services Building
        A motion was made to allow the use of facilities by Selectman Gottling and      Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
        5/10/13 & 5/11/13 – Project Sunapee, Harbor House Livery
        A motion was made to allow the use of facilities by Selectman Trow and  Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
        4/15/13 – 6/21/13 & 8/26/13 – 10/25/13 – Lake Sunapee Rowing Club, Georges      Mills Harbor
        A motion was made to allow the use of facilities by Selectman Hastings and      Selectman Smith, unanimous.
        4/13 Sunapee Firefighters Association for annual fireman’s dinner
        A motion was made to allow the use of facilities by Selectman Gottling and      Selectman Hastings, unanimous. An amendment was made to waive the       ordinance of alcohol on town property by Selectman Gottling and Selectman       Hastings, unanimous.
Chairman’s Report
Chairman Gallup read a letter he received from the Historical Society and their interest
with the current library building.  Chairman Gallup felt that the Board would address this
issue after the building of the new library is underway.

Town Manager Reports
Highway Director Open House On Thursday May 16th at 2-6PM Highway Garage
Retirement party Friday Night May 17th 6-8:30 at the Newport Pavillion Room at Newport Golf Club.

Chairman Gallup read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Montagna asking for Interest
Penalty Relief, Donna Nashawaty further explained the address change process. The
Board chose to take no action. Donna Nashawaty will reply to the Montagna’s.

Meeting Adjourned at
Submitted by,
Heather Weir                            


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow